2021 Return to School FAQs

2021 School Year and COVID Resource Center

This pagfe will be updated frequently with information about the 2021 school year and information about COVID safety. Use these links to jump to the folowing:

Welcome Back Videos

2021 Welcome Back Letter from Mr. Myers

2021 Return to School FAQ

Links to important COVID-19 Resources


 Welcome Back Videos

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are so excited to see all the students tomorrow. The staff has been working tirelessly to prepare our school for your kids. Please click the link below to watch a short presentation on the first day of school. We touch bases on information including, Student Drop Off and Pick Up, School Lunches and Snacks, the Cougar Club and Rainbow Garden, Covid Protocols and Independent Study.

Also linked below is a video from Shakti Magneron, a registered nurse and 3rd & 5th grade parent, about the importance of health screenings and following protocols as you take your child to school each day.

I hope to see everyone tomorrow. I will be out front meeting students and waving to parents. 

Go Cougars!

Mr. Myers's Welcome Video

Health Screening and Protocols Video

Nate Myers
Kenwood School District
230 Randolph Av. Kenwood, CA 95452
707-833-2500 x 118


2021 Welcome Back Letter from Mr. Myers

August 6th, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I would like to officially welcome all our new and returning parents to the 2021-2022 school year. I hope each of you had a great summer and your children are looking forward to returning to school on August 18th!

Over the last few weeks, the county has seen an increase in positive Covid-19 cases due to the Delta variant. As we prepare the campus for students and staff to return, I want to share with our families the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) site safety measures we will be implementing as we start the school year. We have learned an incredible amount of information on ways to keep our students and staff safe. With just over 70% of Sonoma County having already been fully vaccinated, and the implementation of the CDPH safe school guidelines, we are excited to start the year. Outlined below is a general list of some of the new and returning practices Kenwood School will be implementing during the 2021-2022 school year.  I should note, this is not an all-inclusive list, but it will provide each of you some framework around some key logistics as we start to think about the new school year.

New to Kenwood School this year!

After Care will be available for students from 1:30-5:00pm. (We are working on a plan to open Cougar Club earlier for Kindergarten students as well.)

Daily Schedule is as follows:

Kindergarten:  8:25-11:50

1st-3rd:            8:25-2:30

4th-6th:            8:25-3:05

Student assemblies (outside)

Independent Study option from a Sonoma County district for families choosing a Distance Learning Instructional Model (Please contact the principal if you are interested. nmyers@kenwoodschool.org)


Returning Site Safety Practices to maintain student and staff safety

Masking required indoors, masks may be removed for eating/drinking, and at recess.

Non-essential volunteers/visitors not allowed on campus (please call ahead or make an appointment with office)

Parent pick up and drop off in parking lot (students will come to you)

Practice distancing of 3’

Frequent visits to hand washing and sanitizing stations

Parents will complete a daily health check-in with your child before sending them to school, as the school will not be implementing daily walk-up health screenings (taste, smell and temperature check)

Limited large group gatherings

The school will have an isolation room for students not feeling well

Back To School Night on Zoom

Staggered Recess Times

Outdoor Enrichment courses when feasible

The use of classroom hepa-ventilation system/air purifiers and opened doors and windows

Frequent cleaning of high touch surfaces

Outdoor lessons when possible

As we continue to look ahead to our opening day, more information will be coming from our team which will provide you with more guidance around our Zoom “Back to School Night” and other key start-up information.


Nate Myers
Kenwood School


The following links may help answer more of your questions:





2021 Return to School FAQs

The following questions and answers are an attempt to clarify any concerns or questions that you may have as we look at returning to school. As we have learned with this pandemic, the following answers may change as more scientific data becomes available.

How safe is it for students to return to in-person learning when COVID-19 is still in our community?

The Centers for Disease Control, American Academy of Pediatrics, and California Department of Public Health agree that it is safe for students to return to school for in-person learning when the right safety measures, like masks, are in place. They all support in-person learning as the best and safest place for most students to learn and engage with their peers.

Will students be required to wear masks when we return to school?

All students must wear masks indoors unless they have a medical exemption provided by a medical professional. This is required by the California Department of Public Health (and recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics and Centers for Disease Control.) All schools must follow this CDPH direction. Students are not required to wear masks outdoors.

Do teachers and school staff have to wear masks?

While they are indoors and around students, yes. When staff are in indoor areas that are away from students, such as an office, they may remove their masks if they are fully vaccinated. Learn more.

What should I do if my student cannot wear a mask?

If your student is unable to wear a mask and qualifies for an exemption, they must wear a non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom edge, as long as their condition permits it.

Will there be social distancing?

No. Students will not be required to stay 6 ft apart anymore. However, new CDPH guidelines will require students to be distanced while eating lunch.

Will Parents/Guardians be allowed on campus?

Parents will only be allowed on campus when it is essential and if they have been fully vaccinated or have a negative Covid test dated during the past 7 days.

What will be the school hours?

Student drop off will begin at 8:10 am

School will start at 8:25 am for all students.

TK/K will be dismissed at 11:50 am from August 18th till November 19th and will then be dismissed at 1:30 starting November 29th (after Thanksgiving Break).

Grades 1-3 will be dismissed at 2:30 pm. 

Grades 4-6 will be dismissed at 3:05 pm.

On Wednesdays, all students (excluding TK/K from August to November) will be dismissed at 1:30 pm.

Will there be an option for Distance Learning/Independent Study?

Yes. Families opting for Independent Study will be allowed to do so. However, Independent Study is not the same as Distance Learning. Students choosing to enroll in Independent Study will only meet with their teacher 2-3 times a week and will be expected to do the majority of their work independently. Kenwood School District will contract with a local, larger school district to provide this program. Independent Study teachers will NOT be Kenwood School teachers and these students must unenroll from Kenwood School and enroll in the partner district. Families living outside of Kenwood School District Boundaries will have to obtain Inter District Transfer Request forms from their home school district to take to the partner district. We are currently working with Rincon Valley Union School District to create this Independent Study opportunity. Please contact the office if you would like more information.

Will drop off and pick-up be the same as it was during the end of last school year?

Students can begin arriving at school after 8:10 am and walk directly to their classrooms. Parents that drive their children to school are asked to make safe choices when dropping off and picking students up at the front of the school. If we all work together, this can be a quick and easy process.

Will there be After School Care?

Yes. We are currently advertising for a Cougar Club director. However, we will still open the Cougar Club up to all students choosing to stay after school. The rates have increased from $8/hr to $9/hr.

Will the school serve lunch? If so, where will the students eat?

Yes. Students will eat lunch in their normal locations, outside on the picnic tables. Rates have also increased for school lunches from $4.00 to $5.00 for lunch and $3.00 to $4.00 for salads.

Will vaccines be required for students?

Currently, the COVID-19 vaccination is under Emergency Use Authorization. Until it has full FDA approval, it cannot be required by schools. At the time that it is approved, schools will likely look to the state for direction on whether or not they can or should require the vaccine.

What safety measures will be in place to protect my student?

We will be following many of the same safety measures that were in place last year, including:

  • Handwashing
  • Enhanced cleaning practices
  • Increased air ventilation
  • More time spent outside
  • Contact tracing

Will there be health checks as students enter campus?

No. Daily Health Checks are not needed at this time. Staff will, however, keep close eyes on our students and we will check temperatures for any student not feeling well. Students not feeling well will be monitored in our isolation room and parents will be called to pick up their children as quickly as possible.

What special things will my child need for the first day of school during COVID-19?

Your child should come wearing a face covering and a backup face covering. The school will have face masks available for those that forget or lose theirs. It is also recommended that your child bring a refillable water bottle as the drinking fountains will be turned off.

How can I reassure my young child about starting school?

Consider taking your child to visit the school. School grounds are open to the public during non-school hours. Touring the grounds can help your child feel more familiar and comfortable with the campus.